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- <text id=91TT0675>
- <title>
- Apr. 01, 1991: The Political Interest
- </title>
- <history>
- TIME--The Weekly Newsmagazine--1991
- Apr. 01, 1991 Law And Disorder
- </history>
- <article>
- <source>Time Magazine</source>
- <hdr>
- NATION, Page 25
- Gates: The Buck Doesn't Stop Here
- </hdr><body>
- <p>By Michael Kramer
- </p>
- <p> "No one is going to force me out of this office," says Daryl
- Gates. "I didn't invest 42 years of my life to go down the
- tubes over an incident I had nothing to do with."
- </p>
- <p> Gates doesn't get it. Even though he was not physically
- present when Rodney King had the hell beat out of him in Los
- Angeles on March 3, Gates, as head of the L.A.P.D., is
- responsible. When one has the power to constrain those who
- might engage in an immoral enterprise, one has a responsibility
- to do so. In such a situation, a leader's worthiness is judged
- by how that responsibility is discharged, both before and after
- the outrage is committed. Gates failed at both ends.
- </p>
- <p> In the weeks following the King incident, Gates has refused
- to accept any responsibility. He still insists that the
- atrocity was an "aberration," although Los Angeles is currently
- paying at least $10 million in claims to blacks and Hispanics
- unjustly slammed around by Gates' cops. The video evidence--horrifying and unambiguous--was seen around the world almost
- instantly, but it took Gates four days to announce that all the
- officers present at the scene would be investigated, and to ask
- that criminal charges be filed against the cops who calmly took
- turns clubbing and kicking the handcuffed King.
- </p>
- <p> It took two more weeks for Gates to order a "brick-by-brick"
- review of police-training procedures, but he was on television
- the very next day touting his department as a "model" for the
- nation. Gates' eventual apology to King was equally grudging--and began with two absurd irrelevancies: "In spite of the
- fact that he's on parole and a convicted robber, I'd be glad
- to apologize."
- </p>
- <p> Consider how New York City's former police commissioner
- reacted to a similar situation in 1985, when officers were
- accused of torturing a suspect with electric "stun guns." After
- first accepting his own responsibility, Commissioner Benjamin
- Ward summoned 327 senior officers to police headquarters in
- lower Manhattan. He read them the riot act, then fired the
- entire chain of command involved in the incident--from a
- lieutenant at the offending precinct to the department's
- third-ranking official, the chief of patrol. "I didn't consult
- with the mayor or the district attorney, or anyone," says Ward.
- "I just acted."
- </p>
- <p> "Ben understood instantly and instinctively about
- accountability," says Patrick Murphy, who held New York's top
- police job in the early 1970s. "He knew that behavior is
- controlled by consequences. The work of police officers, no
- matter how idealistic, energetic or motivated, can never
- transcend the caliber of their bosses. Leadership will either
- be a constant inspiration or instant depression. Cops at the
- lower rungs cannot escape the management of the chief. The L.A.
- officers would not have done what they did if they knew they
- would be reported by other officers. The problem is the tone
- set at the top." In most departments, says James Fyfe, an
- American University professor and former cop, "the use of force
- is considered a failure." But Los Angeles is different. In the
- L.A.P.D., says Fyfe, "if you kick butt, you're doing a good
- job."
- </p>
- <p> Those who defend Gates say his is the only realistic
- approach. They decry the average officer's frustration with
- revolving-door justice, excessive plea bargaining, the fact
- that so few convicted felons "do time" for their crimes, the
- requirement that those who patrol ghetto areas fulfill a myriad
- of societal roles. As excuses, these explanations excuse
- nothing--and the conditions they describe are hardly new.
- </p>
- <p> The trying task of policing ghetto America was perhaps best
- described by the Kerner Commission following the urban riots
- of the 1960s, most of which were ignited by police violence:
- "Police responsibilities in the ghetto have grown as other
- institutions of social control have lost much of their
- authority: the schools, because so many are segregated, old and
- inferior; religion, which has become irrelevant to those who
- lost faith as they lost hope...the family, because its
- bonds are so often snapped. It is the policeman who must fill
- this institutional vacuum, and is then resented for the
- presence this effort demands.
- </p>
- <p> "And yet," the report continued, "precisely because the
- policeman in the ghetto is a symbol, it is of critical
- importance that the police take every possible step to allay
- grievances that flow from a sense of injustice and increased
- tension and turmoil."
- </p>
- <p> In a democracy, effective law enforcement requires community
- support. Without it, the concept of ordered liberty is
- impossible. However true public-police partnerships are
- fashioned--and they do exist--they can never thrive, as the
- Kerner commissioners put it, "when a substantial segment of the
- community feels threatened by the police and regards the police
- as an occupying force."
- </p>
- <p> Daryl Gates complained last week that his department is "not
- getting" public support. "They hate me," he said of his
- critics, a condition ordinarily insufficient to demand a police
- commander's resignation: most chiefs are routinely denounced
- by some of those they serve. But when a near majority of Los
- Angeles residents say in a poll they fear for their safety when
- stopped by an L.A. cop, and a quarter say they have personally
- seen or been involved in an incident in which excessive force
- has been used, something is tragically wrong. And the first
- thing wrong is Daryl Gates.
- </p>
- </body></article>
- </text>